Connecting Tampa Bay Residents to Jobs & opportunities

Focus Areas: Transportation

We are a fast-growing, vibrant region with an estimated 500,000+ new residents moving to Tampa Bay by 2030.

A collaborative, regional approach to transportation planning and operations is critical to improving connectivity and transit options. The Partnership is focused on making it easier, faster, and more affordable for our residents to access jobs and opportunity throughout the entire region through policy positions, and the convening and activating of regional stakeholders.

Data Highlights


Tampa Bay residents are, on average, nearly 3.5x more likely to have a pedestrian or cyclist fatality than the U.S. average.


The average number of hours that a Tampa Bay resident will lose commuting each year.


Only 9.54% of neighborhoods in Tampa Bay pass the minimum Walk Score test as compared to South Florida at 54.18%.  


Tampa Bay residents, on average, spend over 14% of their income on transportation. This can include transit usage, automobile ownership, and/or automobile usage costs.

28.36 minutes

On average, Tampa Bay residents spend 28.36 minutes commuting
from home to work.

Transportation Working Group


Members From



The Working Group is formed of professionals from the investor organizations who have a passion for addressing transportation issues. Often they have prior experience in the field, and bring insights based on their backgrounds that help build momentum towards Partnership goals.

Key Highlights

Galvanized advocacy of nearly 100 business leaders, leading to the return of millions of dollars from the 2018 All for Transportation tax referendum to Hillsborough County. 

Served as a founding contributor to Hillsborough County’s All for Transportation referendum in 2018 and 2022, and the 2018 legal defense fund to support its passage.

Supported Greenlight Pinellas, in which Pinellas County sought to pass a referendum to support transit in the county.

Expediting the funding and timeline for the Westshore Interchange.

Helped bring SunRunner to life.

Advocated on behalf of Brightline Trains to secure significant federal funding.

Advocated for the creation of a Tri-County MPO between Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. 

Released pivotal research on the need for regional transportation governance, best practices in transit-oriented development, and the connection between jobs and transit access in Tampa Bay

Related Research

The Need For Regional Transportation Governance In Tampa Bay

Transit-oriented Development and Value Capture: A Study of Best Practices for the Tampa Bay region

The Connection Between Jobs And Transit in Tampa Bay

Focus Areas

Children in a class room



Diverse group of entrepreneurs sitting at a table

Emerging Issues

The Need for Regional Transportation Governance in Tampa Bay

To download the full report, fill out the form below.

Transit-Oriented Development and Value Capture: A Study of Best Practices for the Tampa Bay Region

To download the full report, fill out the form below.

The Connection Between Jobs and Transit in Tampa Bay

To download the full report, fill out the form below.