The Tampa bay Partnership activates the region around critical issues

Focus Areas

We’re a fast-growing, vibrant region with an estimated 500,000+ new residents moving to Tampa Bay by 2030.

Why it Matters

Transit is a significant enabler of economic mobility and income equality. An affordable, connected system improves efficiency and safety and helps the economy to prosper and residents to thrive. 


Tampa Bay ranks last, or close to the bottom against 20 national comparison communities in all transportation indicators. This is our greatest area of opportunity.

Why it Matters

Higher levels of educational attainment are associated with improved health and prosperity. To position Tampa Bay as a regional powerhouse, education is necessary.


  • The Regional Competitiveness Report (RCR) continues to highlight weaknesses at every stage of Tampa Bay’s talent pipeline, from kindergarten readiness, through high school graduation rates, and beyond.
  • Nationally, of jobs that pay greater than $60k, 79% currently require a college degree. In contrast, only 39% of adult Americans have a college degree.

Why it Matters

Access to jobs and wages uplift the wellbeing of residents, and intentional talent pipelines help ensure local employers have capacity for regional growth.


The regional labor force participation rate for the working-age population falls short of our comparison communities and the national average. According to the 2022 Regional Competitiveness Report nearly a quarter of our population between ages 25-64 are not working.

Why it Matters

Climate change exacerbates economic and racial disparities and can have critical impacts on underlying infrastructure. Businesses and residents are vulnerable to coastal hazards.


Tampa Bay is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Without adaptation of property impacts, Tampa Bay may face up to $81.6 billion dollars in damages over the next 50 years from storms and flooding. Communities across Tampa Bay will save $2.27 for every $1 they spend adapting to climate change.

Why it Matters

Addiction and overdose deaths irrevocably damage the fabric of our community and alter how it moves and grows. The loss of one person trickles down and impacts the family and their ability to thrive. At scale, these personal, hyperlocal impacts are magnified and felt across the region.


As of April 2022, Tampa Bay’s death rate due to fatal opioid overdoses is 17% higher than the state. Thirty lives were lost every week during the first half of 2020.

Focus Areas


Children in a class room



Diverse group of entrepreneurs sitting at a table

Emerging Issues